Empathy In Margaret Laurence's The Loons

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Empathy is the ability to understand and share emotions with another individual; Coming together with resilience to develop strong supportive relationships. Truly understanding other people’s feelings, emotions, and experiences is particularly helpful when an individual is experiencing difficulties with life. As a result an individual who carries the characteristic of empathy will also benefit from a high self esteem, reduced loneliness, and a strong sense of who they are, therefore they become more resilient. In The Loons Margaret Laurence suggests in order to truly understand the struggles of another individual, you must first endure a consubstantial experience of your own resulting in empathy, this will build a stronger relationship in which …show more content…

Vanessa gains a better understanding of one of the many problems that were in Piquettes life at the time as her own father passes from pneumonia. As Vanessa States “For some time I saw nothing around me, being completely immersed in my own pain and my mother’s. (pg 5)” This is the first time Vanessa really experienced a major loss in her life. Often times when families grief they look to each other for empathy and comfort. That's exactly what Vanessa and her mother do. Together becoming more resilient and overcoming their loss together. Vanessa later sees Piquette at Regal Cafe. During the conversation Piquette states “...Your dad was the only person in Manawaka that ever done anything good to me (pg 6)” This statement is an emotional topic for both Vanessa and Piquette. This is another one of the many losses Piquette has had in her life. She now has lost the one person in her life who cared and nurtured for her. After so many years the once impenetrable emotional barriers came down. Vanessa goes on to state that Piquette “...became unguarded and unmasked, and in her eyes there was a terrifying hope. (pg 6)” This is a result of Vanessa's empathy towards Piquette during their conversation. These barriers seem to be crashing down and she is finally seeing a soul in Piquette. It sparks the beginning of a relationship that was non existent before. Often times when empathy in a relationship occurs, both individuals come out of it more resilient and have a better understanding of who the other

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