Empathy In Health Care Essay

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How does empathy affect the quality of care healthcare professionals provide?
Last week I was sitting at the nurse’s station during the least chaotic part of my work day; the residents were either sleeping or watching the news after finishing their lunch. With an hour left before shift change, I started to contemplate quitting my job. The facility has been experiencing staffing issues related to vacation requests, resignations, and medical leaves. I thought to myself, with all the respectable employees leaving, I should resign too, so I’m not left working with other employees whose job performances are less than adequate. As I began to think more, I started asking myself what qualities the employees exhibited that made them either a poor or decent staff member. After pondering this for a moment, I came to the conclusion that those no one could tolerate to work with shared the same characteristic. They lacked empathy. My underperforming coworkers never displayed an understanding and awareness for patients, families, and coworkers. Displaying empathy is a vital necessity to work in the healthcare field today. …show more content…

For example, if a patient’s daughter typically visits with her on Tuesdays but is unable to make one day, the patient may become confused and upset, causing them to be fixated on escaping the building. It’s at a time like this when a nurse aide must have the ability to step into their shoes (cognitive empathy), realize they’re confused, and redirect them to something else. Situations like this happen in nursing homes all the time, so it is important to have cognitive empathy to be able to correctly assess a

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