Emotions In The Film Gladiator

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Within this essay I will describe and elaborate on a specific scenes in the movie Gladiator. I will explain in specific detail the physical affects, and analyze the emotional affect it has on the viewer. I will also discuss the atmosphere and the detailed themes, the camera positioning, and how the emotions of the audience are manipulated and changed. I will give a conclusion giving my opinion of how the movie scenes are very useful in creating emotion in the audience.

The first scene in Gladiator has many different meanings and purposes. It has to fill in the audience with specific information, in a small scene. The time and place (Germane, 185AD) must be explained so that the scene can be established quickly. The most important character …show more content…

He is portrayed as being inferior to the Romans. This is done, by him rolling in the mud and by the audience not being able to understand what he is saying. People watching are expected to prefer Maximus instead of the Barbarian.

The Barbarian Horde is different to the Roman troop in many ways. The
Germans are portrayed as being savages and a rabble, whereas the Romans are more civilized and organized. The audience can understand this, because the Romans are well-equipped with weapons to match their uniforms. They also have a hierarchy of different people, whereas the
Germans improvise, using axes or clubs and are very dirty. The Romans are also physically more attractive than the Germans who have beards!

One of the main themes in this film is loyalty. This is demonstrated perfectly by the dog's loyalty for Maximus. It shows companionship and is protective towards Maximus. The dog is used, because people show more sympathy towards animals than they do towards people. This is because of the amount of violence that goes on in real life becomes tedious and isn't sympathized with as much. There could also be another reason for the dog. The quote "At my signal unleash hell" is a line from Julius Caesar. It establishes Maximus with the true house of Caesar, or an ally of Caesar. This is reflected in the film because Maximus is the leader of the Roman

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