Emotions And Internal Conflicts In Hamlet In Shakespeare's Hamlet

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In Shakespeare 's tragedy “Hamlet”, he presents us Hamlet, a character deeply affected and devastated by two main events: the death of his father, who was murdered by his uncle and the almost immediate marriage of his mother, with his very own uncle. In addition to those events, his father 's ghost appears and requests Hamlet to avenge his death by killing Claudius. His unstable state somehow triggered by the appearance of his deceased father 's ghost puts Hamlet on edge and fills him with depressive and vengeful emotions.
For Hamlet to be able fulfil his deceased father’s will, he has to go through internal and external conflict that put him out of his normal way. Hamlet 's emotions and internal conflicts and demons are unveiled to us from beginning to end of the play with his …show more content…

He is not sure if the supposed ghost of his father is a demon or the deceased king, therefore, he decides to postpone the deed of avenging his father. This uncertainty makes him go through an array of feelings, from loneliness and powerlessness to contemplating his own suicide.
Furthermore, this constant contradiction in which Hamlet lives with, he seeks the vengeance of his father by murdering his uncle but at the same time is held back by his emotions of doubt and reflection non which prevent him from committing his act of retaliation. In Hamlet we can see the natural dichotomy every human being possesses and battles with throughout their lives, choosing between good or evil.
He is convinced that he has to kill his uncle because he holds the information that tells him who committed the crime and is a task given by the supposed spirit of his father. Even though he wants to kill his father 's murderer, he holds back from making the decision until he is completely sure he wants to take matters into his own hands and until he knows for sure what he wants to

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