Emotional Regulation: A Case Study Summary

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Goal-directed Attentional Deployment to Emotional Faces and Individual Differences in Emotional Regulation

Gladys Leon

Florida International University

Goal-directed Attentional Deployment to Emotional Faces and Individual Differences in Emotional Regulation

Johnson (2009) conducted a study to test the hypothesis that an effective method for regulating emotion is goal-directed attentional deployment. The sample was comprised of a total of one hundred and nine participants. All of the participants were undergraduate psychology students from the University of Oklahoma. These students chose to participate in this experiment for an alternative course credit. Forty-two students were males and the average age was nineteen years old. A combination of experimental and correlational …show more content…

This study also analyzed whether individual variances in this ability to adhere to goal-directed attentional deployment predicted more effective emotion regulation. One hundred and nine undergraduate students participated in the dot-probe task under pressure and were randomly chosen to either focus their attention towards the happy faces (which was an attentional goal) or no attentional goal. Participants who were selected to focus on the happy faces reported approximately three times less frustration in response to a stressful anagram task compared to those who were not told to focus on any of the faces in particular. The participants who were given the goal of focusing on the happy faces and were able to adhere to the goal had a longer endurance during the stressful anagram task. Trait anxiety was not a component that decreased these results. These conclusions have significant inferences for concepts of emotion regulation and anxiety-related attentional

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