Emotional Intelligence In Communication Essay

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In today's complex communication environment, emotional intelligence and communication effectiveness remain a key topic of concern among managers and employees worldwide. Communication effectiveness is a key for organization’s performance and progress. The interrelationship between emotional intelligence and communication effectiveness plays a vital role in the growth and success of organizations. Emotional intelligence and communication effectiveness are proposed as an important predictor of key organizational outcomes.

Communication is a core leadership skill, and there is a deep connection between one’s ability to successfully communicate and one’s ability to successfully lead. It’s not surprising, …show more content…

When a business leader lacks emotional intelligence, he or she becomes more easily flustered by unexpected questions, and more likely to say something that they cannot retract, thus finding themselves on the front page of The Wall Street Journal for all the wrong reasons. The problem is certainly not limited to media interviews. Leaders who have yet to develop sufficient emotional intelligence tend to react to situations without filtering their responses verbally and tonally; as well, they may exhibit inappropriate body language. Each of these responses can jeopardize relationships with employees, investors, and strategic business …show more content…

Building adaptability into the way individuals work can be the contrast between holding the best ability and it is floating out the entryway. It is particularly critical for twenty to thirty year olds, who tend to put a high incentive on way of life. Sincerely clever pioneers comprehend the changing requests of others and are set up to work with them instead of endeavouring to force strict limitations on how individuals approach their function. They don't anticipate that everybody will work the hours that they do, hold similar needs, or live by the very same esteems. (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/7-great-examples-emotional-intelligence-workplace-ush-dhanak,

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