Emotional Affective Event Theory

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10. What is personality? How do we typically measure it? What factors determine personality? Please be specific in your responses to this question. Personality is a link within oneself, the growth of a person’s mental structure; it is the combined whole that is larger than the amount of the parts, or the complete amount of ways in which a person reacts to and interacts with others. The most common way of measuring personality is by self-report surveys, with which people measure themselves on a sequence of factors. Observer-ratings surveys give a self-sufficient assessment of the personality. Personality also appears to be a result of both heredity and environment. 11. How do you apply concepts about emotions and moods to specific organizational …show more content…

This model explains the connection between employees' inner influences such as emotions, cognitions, mental states, and reactions at work that affect their job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and performance. The hypothesis introduce that affective work conduct can be explained by the workers mood and emotions. Cognitive-based behaviors are the greatest predictors of work contentment. The Affective Event theory also proposes that positive influence as well as the negative lead to emotional incidents at work and are obvious, which has a important psychological influence upon personnel' job approval. Therefore, the theory begins by recognizing that emotions are a reply to an occurrence in the work …show more content…

Example, the first day of the week at work a person will feel bad emotions and moods, but as the week progresses, by the end of the workweek the person will feel good emotions and moods for the anticipation for the weekend. The weather also affected people’s moods and emotions because they assume that these conditions have an effect on them. Mounting levels of stress negatively affect people’s moods, whereas social activities can be good or bad. An example is when people are eating and socializing with friends and family they’re mood can be good because their happy to be with friends and family or it can be bad when there are conflicting personalities among friends and family. Sleep is also a factor on moods; less sleep impairs decision-making. Another factor is exercise, which enhances positive moods. Age is also affects moods, it is expected that the older a person becomes, the less moody they are because of maturity, but this is not always the case when an older adult has physical ailments. Lastly, gender affects moods and emotions. Women experience emotions intensely, and are expected to be more positive. Men are more likely to express anger, and must present their masculinity as being

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