Emotion In Sophocles 'The Oedipus Cycle'

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Catharsis Essay Emotion in essays, stories, plays, and poems places an important role in the text. Sophocles the author of The Oedipus Cycle uses an interesting amount of emotion that evokes a catharsis. A catharsis is used to refer to the experience a person can have of releasing emotional tension and feeling refreshed afterwards. In this play Sophocles uses many different scenarios where someone feels emotionally detached. From finding out a disgusting past to realizing your future, this play is a roller coaster.
Oedipus is first concerned when he gets told of a prophecy about the past King and a new curse those put on his kingdom. . Oedipus gets flustered when Teiresias claims the Oedipus is the killer. Teiresias states, “I say that you are the murderer whom you seek”22 This speaks volumes because how could he be a killer? He was alone when he killed a number of people, there were not
He is now blind and his heart torn, his eyes bloody and his children holding his hands, their brother and their father. He begins to speak, “I weep for you when I think of the bitterness that men will visit upon you all your lives. What homes, what festival can you attend without being forced to depart again in tears” 78 Oedipus is aware of the terrible future his kids will bear. Who will marry his daughters, what dad will allow their precious daughter to marry his sons? After this sad meeting Oedipus departs, self-exiled forever, to grieve in his sinful acts.
In this play the author uses the character Oedipus to evoke a catharsis and it is done. This play is about self-destruction, heartbreak, and betrayal and lies. Every new fact that was found out made the reader feel heartache who these characters who did not know they were committing incest but thought they were in love. Sophocles makes the reader feel many emotions by the many different and unexpected actions that take

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