Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

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In Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte uses the presence of light to create a distinction between the emotions displayed that are intended by nature and the sentiments that are displayed as a pretense to cover true emotions. Light that occurs in the environment, sunlight and firelight, shine when the emotions that are being shown are what nature planned. True emotions cannot be changed or guided just as the light from Nature is outside human control. Whereas when artificial light, generated by gas, is present the sentiments shown are those contrary to the urges of nature and more in accordance with the dictates of society at the time. Many of the main events that occur within the two houses reflect the difference between simulated emotions and artificial light, and true light and heart-felt sentiments. Within Thrushcross Grange, a symbol of success in the society of the day, the magnificent gas candelabra bathes the house in man-made light. In Wuthering Heights, a less lavish home, the house is entirely lit by natural fire. It is in Wuthering Heights that Catherine is able to profess her love for Heathcliff. This is juxtaposed to when Catherine is staying at Thrushcross Grange and displays an imitation of love for Edgar which is not sincere. Catherine is not the only character whose real emotions are revealed in the presence of natural light. Nelly also reveals an emotion that she truly feels but cannot openly display.
Emotions that come from the heart are revealed when the lig...

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