Emile Durkheim Sacred And Profane Analysis

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Can sociology prove that our fanatic behaviour is actually good for us, rather than just a guilty pleasure? Emile Durkheim spent his life working on sociological and psychological theories about society, and the way people function within it. He theorized ideas about sacred and profane habits and even created the theories of functionalism and collective effervescence. Many people connect his theories to modern day society, and, if you have not noticed, fandoms are sweeping the globe. Fandoms are a group of fans of a specific series of books, TV shows, or movies. The people in these groups band together and can create amazing things, like crisis support networks. They are basically just a group of people who like the same stuff. Many people say that fandoms consist of obsessive people, but could our obsessiveness actually change, develop, and be essential to society? Durkheim’s theories of sacred and profane, functionalism, and collective effervescence prove that, that is so. …show more content…

People find sacred lives in everything, not just religion. Sacred is the collective representations that are separated from society, like religious rituals. Profane is all other things, like work, school, and bills. Most people live the same profane lives, but not everyone lives the same sacred life. Lots of people live a sacred life through social media, TV shows, books, etc. thus fandoms are created. With the theory of functionalism, we know that sacred and profane lifes are essential to a stable society. Since fandoms are made up of sacred lifestyles that makes fandoms essential to a stable, functioning

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