Emancipation: A Life Fable

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In the short story "Boy's Life" and fable "Emancipation: A Life Fable", the main omnipresent theme is freedom. Both stories have many examples of this. while "Boy's Life", is about a kid waiting for summer to begin, "Emancipation: A life Fable", is about an animal who has to make the choice of either living in an enclosed space with everything given or to live in the wild, where he has to make his own decisions. In "Boy's Life", the main character, Cory, is impatiently waiting for summer vacation to begin. One quote that tells us this is, "The world was out there, waiting beyond the square metal rimmed windows... Time, the king of cruelty." this tells us that he wanted the vacation to begin but, time would not let it start just yet. One quote that tells us about the teacher's situation is " Then it hit me; she did not want to let us go. she wanted to hold us as long as she could possibly can... maybe because she did not have anyone to go home to, and summer alone is no summer at all. This tells us that the teacher is not letting them go because they are the only source happiness she probably has left. one quote that tells us that he was a good student is "You …show more content…

The theme is freedom because of this one quote "On he rushes, in his mad flight, heedless, that he is wounding... seeing, smelling, touching of all things; even stopping to put his lips to the noxious pool, thinking it may be sweet." This tells us that curiosity is vital if you want to survive in the wild on your own. Another quote that tells us that freedom is necessary is "so does he live, seeking, finding, joying and suffering. The door which accident has opened is open still, but the cage remains empty forever." This says that though being dependent is easy, the joy of roaming wild will away beat being dependent because in the wild you have infinite

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