Ellie Wiesel's Speech The Perils Of Indifference

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Indifference Current day society faces a problem where people have no care for each other; this is known as indifference. As society is more aware of horrors around the world the less we care. These horrors become routine and are overlooked by society. This is shown through Ellie Wiesel’s speech “The Perils of Indifference” as an old man looks back on the Americans that saved him, only to realize that they were merely “bystanders” blinded by their indifference. Indifference is too big of a problem to be ignored in present day society. Humans all around the world are affected by the indifference of others. Globally and locally this can be shown through many large scale tragedies such as floods, wars and genocides. As people ignore these tragedies victims are left to fend for themselves, fighting to stay alive. These disasters may not be the fault of bystanders, but would the bystander want the same for themselves if they were in the same situation? It is not fair to watch someone not get the help they need, but when the same situation occurs for yourself ask why no one is helping. An example of this on a personal level could be letting someone drunk drive home and risk their lives instead of helping them find another way to get home. As said by Ellie Wiesel …show more content…

Many things can be done to help each other and bring us together. Ellie Wiesel says in his speech “This is the time to respond. This is the time to intervene”. Caring about each other is how indifference can be eliminated. If all people care for each other equally then feeling the need to help will come naturally. In the last sentence of Ellie Wiesel’s speech he says “And together we walk towards the new millennium, carried by profound fear and extraordinary hope. We can all be a part of this final comment through remembering the past and trying to make a better future, where indifference is replaced with active

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