Ellen Beate Hansen Sandseter's Categorizing Risky Play

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Play is the engagement in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or particular purpose. Children are playing constantly, but to what point does being safe alter the stimulating and the overall enjoyment of play. In the 21st century adolescents have been less subjective ti risky play in western society due to parents becoming more protective over the safety of their children. It is important for parents and child care givers to understand the different categories of risky play and why adolescent children should partake in risky play to an extent. Ellen Beate Hansen Sandseter explores the idea on how to categorize different types of risky play in her article, Categorizing risky play- how can we identify risk-taking in children …show more content…

The subjects were observed to climb on structures and furthermore jumped from the different heights. Through the interviews Sandseter gathered that the children where frightened by climbing high and jumping down to the ground but was more exciting than going down the intended way. The second category is play with high speed, and this was commonly observed when children rode their bikes at high speeds or ran down hills. The risk comes from running into something or someone. The children describe the play with high speeds as scary, but continued to push the risk, as they would start to slide head first down the hill. Play with dangerous tools is the third category, as the children where aloud to work with knives and hammers. The children did not see this as risky play as they felt competent with the dangerous tools; the staff when interviewed suggested this as risky play, when the children would use the knives to whittle sticks. The fourth category of risky play is play near dangerous elements such as the ocean, cliffs and the fire pit in the preschools. Again the children did not see this as risky play but the staff saw children playing by the ocean and the fire pit was risky, as they feared the children falling in. Rough and tumble play is another category as children would play fight and wrestle. The children found expressed this as risky play as it was a scary activity but all agreed it was great fun. The last category of risky play is play where children can disappear or get lost. As the preschools where surrounded by forest the children where aloud to explore, they would not go alone because it was to scary but rather went in groups to eliminate the risk of getting lost. The six categories of risky play created by Sandseter’s study is the key factors of the

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