Elk Essay

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The American elk, is truly one of the most majestic and beautiful creatures of the Rocky Mountains. With a scientific name of Cervus canadensis, the Elk represent the Rocky Mountains of North America. Elk, used to thrive in natural communities through much of the Northern Hemisphere, from Europe all the way through most of the other continents. (Sensemen 2014) Extensive hunting and accidental destruction of their natural habitats have taken a great portion of their range away from them. Today, populations in North America are mostly found in the Rockies stretching from Canada to New Mexico. Elk happened to be reintroduced into the eastern United States, including Michigan, with three efforts throughout the 1900's. (Sensemen 2014) Elk usually range in color from brown in win¬ter to tan in sum¬mer. The back and sides are lighter color than the rest of their body. Much larger than the average deer, they are known for their prized antlers throughout the United States.(Sensemen 2014) Males can reach weights of up to 700 LBS, While females or cows can grow as large as 500 LBS.(RMEF 2012) Males Antlers, which are extremely prized and are a reason for their constant hunting, are actually quite complex and interesting. Antlers grow in the spring and are shed each winter, the antlers are testosterone driven, and antlers are covered by velvet while growing to protect them from harm. The average lifespan of Elk are typically hard to estimate due to their reclusiveness from humans, and the constant hunting of them. Some experts agree that the typical lifespan usually ranges from 20-26 years.(Sensemen 2014) What we do know however, are that calves are typically born in late May through early June, are born spotted and scentless as camouf...

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... as well. When an animal weighs 700 lbs., they tend to produce a large proportion of meat for the men and women hunting them. Having said all of this, there has been a substantial negative impact on their economy as well. Elk have been well documented as being pests to local farmers, and ruining irrigation systems. Elk will also tear down fences in order to eat crops. Elk are also very prone to communicable diseases, and will spread the disease throughout the farmer’s livestock, essentially devastating the income for that particular family.
Having been a hunter all my life, I have a great respect for these animals, as I do all animals. Having said that, it was not until I researched them, that I truly became aware of their beauty besides their antlers. The North American Elk are an essential and important member of our ecosystem, and should be treated as such.

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