Eleonore Stump Evil

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In, “The Problem of Evil,” Eleonore Stump argues that the existence of evil in our world does not mean God cannot exist. Stump gives the claim, the good produced by free will overwrites the subsequent evil, making Union with God possible. In this paper I hope to show that God can exist alongside evil, but my belief is that human free will is limited.
There are three claims that the majority of intelligent people are committed to and agree upon if God exists; God is omnipotent, God is omniscient, and God is perfectly good. These claims may be considered universally true, but a point brought up to contradict these claims is, there is evil in the world. Stump points out that looking at just those four claims there are illogical consistencies. …show more content…

The three claims are; Adam fell, natural evil entered the world as a result of Adam's fall, and after death, either human beings go to Heaven or they go to Hell. Although these claims are controversial, Stump believes they are not demonstrably false and can be used to support her overall conclusion. According to these three Christian beliefs all human beings since Adam's fall have been defective in their free wills, leading them to make selfish and personal choices without considering moral obligations which leads to the un-absorbable evil in our world. It is not possible for human beings to be in complete Union with God and go to heaven due to this defect. Stump claims that this defect can be fixed, she thinks the correct view requires both God and man to cooperate together to fix it. Due to the fact that man cannot fix the defect on his own and although God has the power to remove it miraculously, but He cannot because it would take away man’s free will. Man must will to live morally, this would lead man to be saved by God and in complete Union with Him.
It is shown in the paper that, evil exists because our free will is defective, but through evil, self-realization and good can come from it. Both moral and natural evil can humble us and show us that we need God’s help. Although this is not a guarantee to come from evil, it is what leads most down the righteous path. The fixing

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