Essay On Electronic Cigarettes

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Often enough, people encounter situations in their life that bring them to a point of no return. In this case, once people start smoking cigarettes it’s known that they’re unable to return back to the lifestyle they had before they started, meaning it’s hard for them to quit due to the nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical that triggers dopamine, which is known as the brain’s “happy” chemical. However, now there’s an alternative to smoking a paper cigarette, which is an electronic cigarette. The main difference being that an electronic cigarette does not contain any tobacco and the user has the ability to choose the amount of nicotine they prefer to have in their liquid. People tend to lean towards the use of e-cigarettes because it’s a healthier and safer alternative when comparing it to regular cigarettes. In addition, electronic cigarettes …show more content…

In addition, what kind of outcome are they looking for once switching from regular cigarettes to electronic cigarettes? Do people really intend to quit smoking as a whole? I’m predicting that people switch from smoking a regular cigarette to an electronic cigarette because it’s a healthier alternative. However, I feel the “healthier alternative” reason isn’t only the reason, it seems as if the electronic cigarettes are now being used as a social factor. Another prediction would be people expect that they will never smoke again as their end outcome, even though they probably don’t believe it in themselves. The hypothesis I will be studying is how a person’s past experience with smoking has led them to vape on an electronic cigarette, in addition to what they expected out of switching and what they believe their outcome would be from it. Also, I will be studying the reasons why a person who’s never smoked in their life before would try it out for the first time if

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