Electrician Southlake Research Paper

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Flickering Lights | Electrician Southlake
Flickering lights can be due to something as benign as a loose bulb, or may indicate a dangerous condition in your home’s electrical wiring. Identifying the cause of flickering lights is essential to ensure the condition is not due to issues that could result in a house fire. In the following, common causes, simple solutions, and when to call an electrician are discussed. Contact a Tioga Contractors electrician in Southlake for an accurate diagnosis and repair of your electrical problems.
A Single Bulb
When the flickering occurs, watch it closely to determine if it is due to a single light bulb, or all the bulbs. If it is limited to one or two bulbs, ensure it is securely screwed in. If the bulb is …show more content…

If this is the case, it is a normal condition. However, consider surge protection for sensitive electronic equipment to prevent a reduced lifespan.
Electricity and House Fires
Flickering lights are not an issue to ignore, as damaged or loose wiring, a faulty circuit, or a faulty light fixture can result in a house fire. The following are warning signs of electrical problems that should be checked by an electrician in Southlake:
• Frequently blown fuses or tripped circuit breakers indicate the need for electrical repair by an electrician in Southlake. Do not install a larger fuse or circuit breaker. Blown fuses and tripped breakers can be due to an overloaded circuit, by installing a larger fuse or circuit breaker you will be overloading the circuit even further and a house fire is likely to occur.
• Warm wall outlets, or sparking from an outlet, with or without soot marks are signs of serious danger. Do not use the outlet or switch, and contact an electrician for prompt …show more content…

This may result in a fire, unplug the affected appliance or turn off the circuit breaker, and contact an electrician.
Test smoke detectors each month, and change the batteries every 6 months. Smoke detectors are low cost, and save lives. Replace any smoke detectors over 5 years old to ensure your family’s safety. Locate smoke detectors near all sleeping areas, the kitchen, and the living room.
Lightning can be devastating to the home’s electrical wiring, If your home is struck by lightning, or lightning enters via the power line or other means, schedule an electrician to provide an electrical inspection. Lightning can damage wiring, switches, outlets, light fixtures, appliances, and other electrical components severely. An inspection will identify any affected components and repair or replacement provided.
Out Dated Electrical System
Older homes and historic homes are more likely to have outdated wiring. Wiring and its insulation can fray and crack from age, heat, corrosion, or bending. They can also be damaged during construction and remodeling. Damaged wires can cause a fire, and require prompt service from a licensed electrician. A Tioga Contractor electrician in Southlake can provide the electrical services you need to ensure the safety of your family, and

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