Eleanor Eldin: A Short Story

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Eleanor Eldin was 21 when she decided to leave the city. Her whole life she had lived with the adamant believe that the trees and dirt and bugs were things to be avoided at all costs. She found comfort in the sound of traffic and the gum glued to the sidewalk. The skyscrapers were old friends and and the thick air was blanketing, infused with the breath of thousands of people like her. Even the loneliest person could find company in anonymous city life. Eleanor studied marketing, specifically the mass communication of advertisements. At age 18 she was offered an internship at a major advertising corporation, which later became her full time job. As an intern, she was exposed to the most positive sides of the industry while the circumspect …show more content…

She had no plan, no goal and nothing she wished to gain. She was another lost soul that cities chew up and spit out. Somehow she knew this and the stereotypical nature of her situation was almost embarrassing. It was while she was cleaning out her office, she discovered her future. A bird hit the window next to her desk. She realized later it had served as a sort of presage, a warning of demise. She turned in time to see it flutter desperately on a broken wing, before tumbling to its death. It turned into a black dot on the sidewalk far below, and she watched as a passerby stepped over it, taking no …show more content…

She searched in the bushes and up and down the block but it was gone, probably collected by the boy they paid to do such things. Eleanor looked back at her building as she walked down west avenue. She was struck by the ostentatiousness of it. The windows, polished to an deadly shimmer and the somehow opalescent metal siding gave it an eery glow. It was repulsive, a false image of perfection, of superiority and in that moment it terrified her. The comfort she once felt was replaced by disgust for her city. She had ignored the oil in the roads leaking into the sewers, the miasma from the dumpsters and rubbish heaps and the filth littering the streets and now she watched horrified as she saw her home in its true

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