Elderly Suicide Essay

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Suicide is the taken of one’s own life; among the elder community it is a very common occurrence. Suicide is common in the elderly because they probably do not feel that their life is worth living anymore. Many of the times they experience ageism that deters their feeling of independence; as far as how they are seen in society’s eyes. As well as, medical issues that brings forth further dependence on others around them. The elderly are not content with their life so they experience a sense of hopelessness that often leads them to commit suicide. Suicide is measured through the psychological, the environmental, and the physical influences; that offer limitations. Many of the elderly may feel depressed about their situations (poverty, lack of family and support, medical help).
T=Trends: What are the trends regarding suicide among late adults?
The trends that are seen in regards to suicide in the elderly are often based on the environment and the social influences. There are many circumstances that offer the negative reaction of elderly to choose suicide. Many of the elderly do not get the support they need from their family, friends and community so they often feel unloved. They may feel that if they were gone their emotional suffering, suffering in their health and financials will be over. According to Karge (2011), the trends that are now often seen in elderly suicides are the “double suicide;” this mean that two people make the decision to die together. This act is often seen between a couples (i.e. husband and wife; friends). Double suicide seems to be an agreement that occurs between two people who are willing to take their own life together/ at the same moment. This act seems to require a certain level of thinking/ pre-di...

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...ing of taking their own life.
Ultimately, elderly needs the support from their caregivers, community, friends and family in order to help them look forward to life. They need counseling, people to sit and listen to them and proper medication that offers psychological and physical health. Elderly need to have goals for each day that they live so that they know that the time that they spend living is worthwhile. Deterioration of their worth is common in the elderly; they often focus on feelings of stress, hopelessness and being overwhelmed by their health and physical limits. Elders need to focus on short and long-term goals and breaking them down into smaller manageable portions; which are more beneficial for their health. These elders need to feel some levels of independence and worth, so that they do have a future to look forward to that they can be content with.

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