Elderly Sexual Abuse Essay

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Physical sexual abuse in elderly is one of the most common types of elderly abuse. According to Long-Term Care Ombudsman programs in 2003, there were more than 20 thousand complaints of exploitation, neglect and abuse coming from nursing homes and assisted living facilities. The most common type of abuse reported was physical abuse. (Traxler 2016) Physical elderly abuse occurs when a loved one or someone that is watching the elderly person harms the elderly or place a hand on them. The loved one or the person that is watching them may hit, kick, slap punch, give them the wrong medicine or force feed them. Sexual abuse is included in the physical abuse. Sexual abuse is when someone has sexual content with the elderly without their consent. …show more content…

When the doctor diagnoses the physical abuse from the elderly abuse the doctor will examine the body closely to see if the person has injuries on their body in the sign of physical or sexual abuse on the elderly. The doctor will also ask the elderly person if she or he has been slapped, injured or have been sexual touched without the constant of the elderly person. The doctor will also do some tests on the elderly person like the blood and urine test and it may be done to check health problems such as injection inside the body or malnutrition. The doctor will do a pelvic exam on women elderly victims so the doctor can check for injuries that may have been resulted in the abuse. The doctor would do a culture and smear exam and they will do an x-ray to see if any bones are broken or out of place. X-ray might be taken to look at the victims’ chest and

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