Elderly Changed: A Conceptual Analysis

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With the interview last week, how has your perspective of what it will be like to be an elder changed?
My perspective of what is elder has not changed based on a interview last week. However, I did enjoy going through the process of understanding other people's perspective. My interview was a subjective perspective standpoint of my husband’s parents. My husband parents are around 75 years with very limited disability. They are alert and active with activity that require good physical strength. The couple is very organized with a lot of diversity to their individual identity. They have lived in the same house over the course of their long marriage. The couple’s kids are grown with great jobs. They are both uneducated, but successful. In addition, the problem I ran into is the term used to …show more content…

People want to believe they will never grow old. I think the solution to getting the elderly to open up communication for broader human understanding to the stages of life is society understanding the terms first. For example, I ask my husband if he knew anyone over the age of 55. He did not know it was for a interview until later on in the conversation. He said yes, I know this person and that person. Then, when I ask him to call them he said sure no problem. However, when he ask what do you want. I replied with, “I want to ask them how they feel about meeting milestone. You know get old!..... Lol, my husband hung up the phone and said you can’t not ask my friends that. Of course I laughed, think sure I can. He face red when I told I need to interview one. He said no Sarah, that is not right. They are not old. Uses my parent they are old. So, this week was a

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