Einsatzgruppen In The Book Thief

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The Holocaust was a very dark time in the world’s history. It was full of discrimination and evil. While this isn’t a joyful topic, there is much to learn from it. The general public of Germany didn’t necessarily completely agree with the Nazi ideals. If you were to be sent to a concentration camp, you didn’t really get to stick with your family either. The topic that I decided to research was the Einsatzgruppen, and they murdered over 1.5 million Jewish people. We can learn a lot about the Holocaust from the studies of the novels Night, The Book Thief, and the Einsatzgruppen.
The first thing that I learned from The Book Thief was about the general public not being especially involved or even supportive of the Nazi Party. Before reading the …show more content…

They are known to have been one of the first steps taken in the “Final Solution.” The victims that the Einsatzgruppen were after included Jews, Roma (Gypsies), and officials of the Soviet state and the Soviet Communist party (USHMM). The Einsatzgruppen murdered at least 1.5 million Jews by themselves, including at least 34,000 in two days during the large event of Babi Yar. The Einsatzgruppen also murdered thousands of residents of institutions for the mentally and physically disabled (USHMM). A quote from Adolf Hitler concerning the mentally disabled troubled me. “Anyone who sees and paints a sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilized. (Adolf Hitler). It’s difficult to imagine a time where people couldn’t fathom someone being different than themselves. The Einsatzgruppen commanders were carefully selected by Heydrich from the best educated and most fanatical Nazis (Holocaust Research Project). Heydrich being a high standing official in the Nazi party. The Einsatzgruppen was split into four different units, each containing somewhere from 600 to 1,000 men. All together, the teams had the manpower of just under 4,000 people. The number of severely brainwashed men is insane to me. The amount of power Hitler had over a lot of the German population is crazy. The Einsatzgruppen is a sad and horrific topic to think about. Towards the beginning of the Holocaust, they killed mostly just men. Starting during the late summer of 1941 they changed their tactics. They started killing everyone, no matter age, male, or female. The ways that they murdered people also varied. Mostly they would just use guns, but they also used mobile gas vans. They’d either have the people dig their own graves, bury mass amounts of people in a trench, or various other inhumane ways. In the novel Night, Elie Wiesel writes, “And even when we were no longer hungry, not

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