Impacts of Technology on Sleep and Brain Health

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I read this amazing article about the many ways that technology makes us more stupid. The article is 8 Ways Technology Makes You Stupid by Rebecca Hiscott. The article is posted in The Huffington Post on July 25, 2014. The article mentions a lot of different information about technology and how it influence your brain. Technology can affect your brain by many ways. The first point made by Hiscott is that technology, mainly cell phones, tablets and things along that line can affect your sleep schedule. They can affect you do to the blue-enriched lights in them. "If you’re not logging seven or more hours of sleep each night, you might suffer from increasingly bad moods, decreased focus at work and problems with memory, not to mention a loss of actual brain tissue -- all of which makes you less than a joy to be around." The author, Hiscott, has a very good point. When I play on my phone before trying to go to bed, I notice that I am not able to go to sleep. …show more content…

She said, "People who rely on GPS to get around have less activity in the hippocampus, an area of the brain involved in both memory and navigation, according to a series of studies presented in 2010. ". The only reason this stood out to me is because I use a GPS to get around, most of the time. I know many people that uses them to find places. I don't think using a GPS making us stupider. I believe that it saves us time because we get lost, and you will always know where you are. I never knew that reading online, your brain receives less information than when reading a book. "Even if you’ve shunned all distractions, you still won’t absorb information you read online as well as you would if you’d read it in a book. And you can blame hypertext for that. Those colorful little links scattered throughout online articles (including this one) make your brain work harder than it would otherwise, leaving less brain power to process what you’re

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