Egypt: Who Really Won The 1973 War?

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Who Really Won the 1973 War?
On the 6th of October, a watershed event took place that changed history. It gave historians context to write about, politicians substance to reflect upon, and the world something to talk about. It was the 6th of October war, an Egyptian-Israeli war that took place on the 6th of October 1973 and ended on the Twenty-Fifth of October. One of the main reasons for Egypt starting the war was because it wanted to regain its territories back after the Israeli forces captured it in 1967 during the six-day war, “To understand this October War, one has to go back to the summer of 1967 when the Arabs, surveying the political and military wreckage wrought by the Six-Day War, found their armies broken and defeated and over one million brethren in the Sinai, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights under Israeli occupation. Besides the territorial and population losses, the Arabs had suffered a profound psychological setback in that they felt they had been humiliated and dishonored.” (O’Neill). However, there are opposing views when it comes to the victor of the 1973 war, was it Egypt or was it Israel? If one grew up in Egypt, one would find that Egypt was the victor of the war and vice versa in Israel, but what is the truth of this controversy? Even though both sides claim to be the winners, the real truth remains a mystery but research will uncover evidence that would make one decide who the true victor is.
Egypt’s history stretches as far back as the ancient Egyptians where they faced many wars that they either emerged from victorious or defeated. Although Egypt had lost most of the modern era wars, it is still a country viewed with a strong military power. Modern Era wars started off with the first Arab-Isra...

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...chological blow since they had never faced a military challenge before.
In conclusion, the true victor of the war is Egypt since it achieved its goals militarily – the twelve kilometers of land in the Eastern bank of the Suez Canal – and somehow achieved its goals politically and economically. Sadat proved to himself, to Egypt, and to the whole world that he is, in fact, an excellent military leader that possesses a strategic mind. Using his strategic tactics and careful planning, Sadat was able to achieve what he wanted. In addition, his offers to make peace with Israel that put an end to the war, granted him a Nobel peace prize. Israel, however, agreed to the peace treaty Egypt offered making it appear to be afraid of Egypt’s power. History is an essential part in the process of learning, as without it, one would never know the hidden mysteries of a country.

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