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I am an efficiency expert. An efficiency expert is someone who is able to accomplish a goal in the least amount of time with the most effective effort and ends with the highest quality result. A lot of people like to procrastinate. Those people end up waiting until the last possible minute to get things done. I am not one of those people. I live by the motto “Do it now, now it's done.” Instead of just thinking about writing this paper for the next week, I am writing it now so I can enjoy the rest of my week. Getting things done makes me feel more efficient.
Before I start anything, it is very important for me to know my goals. Defining my goals gives me a direction in life. It makes me feel like I have a purpose. Also, goals motivate me to accomplish something in my life. It makes me work hard for something I want. Knowing what I need to accomplish and want to accomplish makes me put my best foot forward to achieve them. After I work hard for it and achieve it, I get a sense of accomplishment that is better than any other feeling. Sometimes I do not accomplish my goals. But that is not always a bad thing. Failure makes me want something even more. Even if it takes 1,000 tries, just like it took Thomas Edison to make the light bulb. After I do not accomplish a goal, I get back up and work even harder for the next one. I write my goals down every month to know what I am trying to achieve. If I write down my goals it is easier for me to achieve them. Throughout the month, I refer back to my notebook where I wrote them down to see how close I am to accomplishing my goal. This also reduces my stress because then I know that I am accomplishing what I need to. Goals are important in life because they give me a sense of purpose.

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...be completed. Also, not stressing out and worrying about what I need to complete is important because that I will just overwhelm myself. Being organized is another effective way I do not get stressed. Knowing what I need to get done and how I am going to do it helps me complete it quickly. If I was not organized, I would struggle to be efficient. When the homework starts piling on, I know everything I need to finish and the order I need to complete them.
Being efficient at times can be hard. There are many things that I need to do to stay on track and focused. If I didn't wake up early I would not get as many things done. Also, writing my goals done keeps me motivated and ready to work hard. Prioritizing helps me stay on track and focus on the important things in life. It is not always easy to be an efficiency expert but in the end it is always worth the effort.

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