Efficacy And Impact Of Risk Assessment In Young Offenders

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Critically evaluate both the efficacy and impact of risk assessment in young ‘offenders’.
A risk assessment is a structured tool used to analyse young offenders who are aged between 10 to 17 years old. The individuals would have to come into contact with the young offending teams because they would be receiving a final warning, community or custodial sentence in order to get the assessment done. They are used to plan sentences and intervention and used as pre sentence reports. This assessment would determine what level and type of supervision given to the young offender if given a custodial sentence and also the judge would put inconsideration the result the forensic psychologist gives as a result from the score the offender gets. Furthermore it’s used to evaluate their treatment and programmes they will get in order to reduce re offending (Wilson E and Hinks S, 2011). If an individual get a low score on their likely hood of them reoffending the judge might feel inclined to give them a lighter sentence such as community service because giving them a custodial sentence would increase their chance of reoffending because of the acquaintances they would have with offenders who were given a higher score and level of criminal activity significantly increases. In order to find out if a young offender is going reoffend there are two categories of risk factors that need to be put into consideration and they are static and dynamic. The section of risk factors that fall into the category of static risk is their historical which looks at whether there was an onset of violence from a young age and individual factors that increase risk and these are the gender of offender or dispositional in nature situational and other protectiv...

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...from the risk assessments. There have been positive results obtained from those who identified the youth’s criminogenic need and reduction in reoffending. The young offender team would need to be cautious when doing the SAVRY assessment on young offenders that are different ethnic background such as the Caucasians and African Americans could have cultural issues which could result to the predictive validity of the assessment being compromised (Shepherd S et al, 2013). This then shown that improved training and supervision to increase efficiency when it comes to using resources would reduce reoffending and results of recidivism shouldn’t sorely rely on risk assessments (Luong and Wormith, 2011). According to Shepherd S et al, 2013 risk assessments yield results which suggests that they have a greater predictive accuracy in comparison to unstructured clinical methods.

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