Effects Of Slash And Burn

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Topic: Slash and Burn
Source 1: http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/where_we_work/project/projects_in_depth/wwf_on_the_ground_in_madagascar/the_problem__slash_and_burn_agriculture/ According to the WWF, the practice of slash and burn annually destroys thousands of hectares of Earth’s forests. When the ground is burned and there is no longer vegetation, farmers cannot use it for farming any more because of the lack of nutrients. Slash and burn is done in places with very little protection or civilization. This lack of protection lets the farmers destroy the land without getting attention for civilization. Madagascar’s forests are an example of a target, and today only 10-20% of the original land exists. The impacts of deforestation are loss of biodiversity, habitat degradation, modified climate, and loss of water cycling. Populations of animals decrease, and eventually some can become extinct because species cannot support themselves in the small forest land left. In the forests of New Guinea, settlers and loggers increase the carbon dioxide level because the lack of trees cannot absorb all of it, therefore increasing pollution. Also, deforestation reduces the critical water cycling services provided by trees.

Source 2: http://rainforests.mongabay.com/0804.htm Some people that use land for survival cause two thirds of the world’s deforestation. First, they cut down the trees and burn the rest of it to put the trees’ nutrients int the ground. Then, they plant their crops, but because soil is not fertile for a long time, the land dies. Now it can only be used for cattle grazing, but if the cattle eats all the grass without letting it grow back, the now non fertile farmland is barren dirt.
Slash and burn has been a met...

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...needed to protect the world's forests, the rights of the people who depend on them, biodiversity and the climate. They work alongside indigenous communities at the frontline of forest destruction - in the Amazon, the Congo, Indonesia - to investigate, document, expose and take action against forest destruction. With the help of hundreds of thousands of supporters, they’ve won some amazing victories. Deforestation of the Amazon for soya and beef has significantly reduced due to the soya and cattle moratoria, the Great Bear Rainforest in Canada has been protected and is being sustainably managed, 80,000 hectares of northern Finnish reindeer grazing forests have been protected, and, thanks to pressure from our supporters, multinational giants like Nestlé and Unilever have changed their palm oil sourcing policies to help protect Indonesia's rain forests and peatlands.

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