Effects Of Reality Television On Society

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Essay question: Reality television often bears little resemblance to real life and encourages superficial views on people and relationships. Given the genre’s popularity, is it fair to say that this type of programing is unethical and corrupting to society?

Introduction/thesis statement:
Many people claim they do not watch or watch very little reality television (TV), are you watching too much reality television and is it too late. This essay sets out to explore the genera of reality television and the effects it has on society, answering the question of is reality television unethical and corrupting to society. According to Civic Science (2015) popularity of reality television genre is decreasing, and therefore is not having as much of an effect on society as previously. The excessive viewing of reality television implies key points such as unethicalness towards particular groups in society and is corrupting because reality television is creating a negative attitude and view point in viewers.
Definition of reality television: Reality television is a form of television program that excludes news programs, talk and interview shows and …show more content…

J. (2014) cultivation theory and displacement theory Haq, M. R., & Rahman, S. H. (2013) explains it’s a combination of the type of media viewed and the length of time it’s viewed for that has the most effect. This is back up by a study done by Simply Irresistible (2008) saying reality television is unethical because of the events portrayed in the shows are not always socially accepting and cause conflict not just for viewers but also to the people in the program as well. Hence why reality television is unethical and corrupting to society resulting in a ban, censorship or guidelines to make them more ethical to the viewer and the people who are in the

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