Effects Of One Child Policy

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With the one-child policy being enacted in 1979, many wonder what sort of effect that it would have on China. What I believe to be the main effect of this policy, are the negative consequences that subsequently followed after the induction of the Family Planning Policy (one-child policy). Some of these effects include forced abortions, sex ratio differences, infanticide and many more. I think that since these effects are so harsh and so irrefutable, that the negative effects brought on by the one-child policy, have practically destroyed what you could call China’s family life. A policy aimed at one objective can have unforeseen impacts elsewhere. If the policy continues for too long, it can be counterproductive. That’s exactly what I think has happened with this policy. To start with, is how to get around these laws, the different things families would do to still have more than one child. Families would go as far as if the mother was pregnant, fake divorce the father and have the first child go live with the father for a while. Once that happened, she would find a new husband, ...

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