Effects Of Music Therapy On Dementia

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##**Can music therapy help treat dementia?**

Dementia cannot be categorized as a specific disease—it's rather a set of symptoms caused by various conditions from memory loss to poor judgment. Dementia is common in older individuals. However, it may occur in young adults and children due to rare conditions. Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia with more than five million Americans suffering from it. There is no cure for Alzheimer's, but symptoms and quality of life of the patients can be improved with treatments. In particular, non-drug therapies are preferred as they have no side effects. And, music therapy is one of the treatments popular with doctors and caretakers.

###**A cure for the soul**

The music touches our souls …show more content…

Essentially, a professional trainer is required to create a personalized playlist to cater individual needs. But hiring an expert is not for everyone. In that case, caretakers or immediate family members could help with providing the preferred music. If you have a loved one suffering from dementia, then fear not: music therapy is your knight in shining armor. If you want to take the leap and help someone suffering from dementia, here are some of the do's and don'ts.


+ Select music that the patient enjoys.
+ Choose music for the mood. For example, choose soft music for bedtime; a peppy song may invoke the memory of good times.
+ Encourage clapping and moving.
+ Sing along, hum, and join the fun.


+ Stop the music if it evokes a negative emotion or distress.
+ Avoid over stimulation by playing the music at an optimal volume.
+ Keep the session distraction free, without commercials or outdoor noise.

Music therapy is not necessarily a cure for dementia but the latest studies show that it is one of the indispensable tools to provide comfort and improve cognition in the patients. Go ahead, play your loved one's favorite music—and don't shy away from shaking your legs to the tune—because music not only touches the patient's heart but opens his mind

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