Cognitive Conflict

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Conflict is most commonly interpreted as non-productive and agressive. However, there is also a type of conflict that actually results in productivity in an effiecient manner. These two types of conflict are known as a-type conflict (affective conflict) and c-type conflict (cognitive conflict) respectively. Unfortunetly, both types of conflict happen in not only a persons every day life, but also in proffessional environments such as a work place. While cognitive conflict can be good in a work place, affective conflict is often unwanted. A-type conflict is a dysfunctional type of conflict that is defined as a "disagreement that focuses on individuals or personal issues." When personal opinions about one another become the main influence on motives, the actual issue at hand is forgotten. If in a work place, negative correlations between coworkers or employers can result in a loss of sight of the overall objective of the company. In both environments, the issue never gets confronted, however, it can be used as a tool for blame. One possible way to decrease this type of dysfunctional conflict would be to solve the personal issues before they develop into hostility toward one another. The main focus in a group should be teamwork, not reasons why they each dislike eachother. If a …show more content…

There is really no plot to the television show, it mostly consists of endless, harsh banter within the office all of the characters employed. It is the exact opposite of the ideal work place due to all of the conflict occuring. The productivity of the team is extremely low, and sndie comments consist of most of each episode. Although the show is aired for comedic purposes, it does eximplify a-type conflict by the constant aggrivation and frustration between each coworker. Though it is funny, The Office shows an environment that could happen if dysfunctional conflict lead the actions of each

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