Effective Arts Education

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In a world of science and math, people need creativity to help guide them. But for some reason, schools feel like taking the arts away is a better option for their schools. It is fact that most schools when they get budget cuts the arts is the first to go. This should certainly not be the case. Arts education is a necessity for many reasons, not only does it improve the test score of students due to opening up their minds to a bigger world of thinking creatively, but it also helps young people find their voice the arts are extremely important in expanding people's minds and making them think with more than just one perspective. More than not, jobs have some sort of creative aspect in them whether they are completely left side mind oriented …show more content…

Also, in times of need students can look to the arts for help, your creative mind can be extremely powerful to help your mental stability. Not only that but every single person uses the arts to learn as they are growing up. In fact, before science and math was even discovered, the arts were.

First, arts education can open the minds of students and help them improve their test scores due to the expansion of the creative part of their mind that they use daily during an arts-oriented class like choir, art, or dance. In the article, “Effective arts integration improves test scores” it states that “"Schools that effectively implement arts integration have either significantly reduced or completely eliminated the educational achievement gap for economically disadvantaged students," she said. "This research indicates that arts integration can achieve that objective in Mississippi public schools."” this statement shows us that from the research …show more content…

Another benefit of Arts education is, Arts are how people first started learning math or even science was discovered. First, In the article by Elena Aguilar, she explains to us how before there was math there was art and music. Aguilar states, ”because long before we were building cities, writing, or taking tests, humans were painting, dancing, and playing music. Paleontologists have found evidence that as far back as 100,000 years, human beings were painting. The oldest evidence of humans making music dates back 35,000 years-carved flutes have been found in caves in Europe.” This evidence gives us proof that the before there was science or even math, we learned using art and we cannot just remove that from our vocabulary based on scientific evolution. Last but not least, As children, every single person learns with arts like colors and music. Have you ever noticed that most children toys

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