Ee Cummings Search Paper

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search paper) E.E. Cummings (re In the realm of poetry, punctuation has always been seen (to the ignorant eye) as a lesser tool in the development of a poem. The poet E. E. Cummings sought to change the seemingly necessary formalities in poetic writing by utilizing punctuation in a way very different than that which is defined in a grammar textbook. Punctuation has the capability of developing just as much meaning as literary devices, forms, and meters. Cummings’s work transcends the common usage of the parenthesis in a manner that is unorthodox but still effective in its purpose. Cummings utilizes parenthesis in his poems to create intimacy between the speaker and the reader, physically establish metaphors and themes, subvert formal expectations, and create a poem within a poem. Cummings often uses parenthesis to create intimacy between another and the speaker; he does so by directly addressing this person who at times is the reader, but at other times someone else. In of all things under our the parentheses enclose the words “eliena,my dear.” At the end of the poem we found out that eliena is dead, so instead of the ending being a naïve address to someone it is in fact an apostrophe. Eliena’s …show more content…

In i carry your heart with me(i carry it in the parentheses act to realize the metaphor “I carry your heart with me(I carry it in my heart).” The poem is a series of statements that are both outside and inside the parentheses. Each statement is followed by a parallel statement in the parentheses which helps establish that the speaker is never without the person to whom he/she is referring. The parentheses also act out the metaphor of the person’s existence in the speaker’s heart. In the second quatrain “you” is in the parentheses where “i” is on the outside. The parentheses act as a typographical symbol of the speaker’s heart; the parentheses symbolize the person being inside the speaker’s

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