Edward Hopper's House By The Railroad

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“In its most limited sense, modern, art would seem to concern itself only with the technical innovations of the period.” In this assertion, Edward Hopper outlines his philosophy about the creative process. When creating, Hopper works to encapsulate the innovations within America and therefore create an illustration of the widespread feeling perceived by Americans at the time. In his painting, House By the Railroad, Hopper fashions an example of his recurrent philosophy through an illustration of the isolation of the aging created by the ascension of the American industrial revolution. Through poetic interpretation, American poet Edward Hirsch pursues the meaning and significance of this painting. His poem, Edward Hopper and the House By the Railroad, emphasizes the the dynamic difference …show more content…

This piece, imagined and executed by Edward Hopper, evokes an isolationist posture in a time of widespread change. Hopper’s art aimed to capture the reality of trends throughout various periods in American history. The painting depicts a sizeable, solitary, and vacant home whose path is intersected by a railroad track. This intersection simulates the intersection between the past and future-an intersection between an outdated style and the developing technology of the twentieth century. The railroad’s close proximity to the foundation of the the house mimics the role of technological and industrial progress as the foundation of a new America. Hopper’s use of light and shadows creates an obvious contrast that highlights the division between modern and old-fashioned ways of life. The lightly colored sky echoes the vacancy of the home, and enhances the abandonment of an outdated era. Through his painting, Edward Hopper communicates the seclusion of an old fashioned country awakened through the transformation of America into an industrial

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