Edward Bok And Colin Powell Ap Language Essay

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Tone and Purpose of the Texts and Visuals Edward Bok and Colin Powell consider America the land of opportunity. Edward Bok was an immigrant from the Netherlands who moved to the US and Colin Powell’s parents were immigrants who came from Jamaica. Powell was the statesman and a four-star general who became the first African American secretary of state. Both Edward Bok and Colin Powell convey an optimistic tone and develop the idea of opportunity through the use of connotative diction in contrast to the Immigration Chart and Political Cartoon which has a informative tone and supports the idea that being an immigrant in the US is a difficult challenge. Powell and Bok’ autobiography and essay have an prideful optimistic attitude towards America. Bok says “As the world stands to-day no nation offers opportunity in the degree that America does the foreign-born” It proves that the assertion is true by showing the pride he has toward America by stating that no other nation offers what the US does. Powell says “And America that is still the beacon of light to the darkest corner of the world” The prideful tone Powell displays is shown in this quote by saying that America is the light in the dark corner. Powell and Bok both use writing to paint the prideful …show more content…

Bok states “... America can graft such a wealth of inspiration so high national idealism, so great an opportunity for the highest endeavor, as to make him the fortunate man of the earth to-day” America has a great deal of inspiration to the foreign born which gives them opportunity to make it in US. Powell says, “I believe that our greatest strength in dealing with the world is the openness of our society and the welcoming nature of our people” This states the idea of opportunity by showing the openness of our society and letting anyone come. Both the autobiography and essay write about the foreign-born making it in

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