Edward Bloom Guilt Quotes

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In a quote by Dave Grohl “Guilt is cancer. Guilt will confine you, torture you, destroy you as an artist. It's a black wall. It's a thief.” In the novel Big Fish by Daniel Wallace The readers can see that one of the main characters, Edward Bloom, was consumed by the guilt of never being there for his family and never settling down, cancer had to be the one to finally hold him down from run awaying from this problem. Just like his Cancer his guilt spread, and so he breached the topic of his guilt only during his final moment.Even before Edward had cancer he wasn’t close to William for example, At William’s birth, his father wasn’t there.This is a symbol of how he would be throughout his son’s life “On the day I was born, my father stopped mowing the lawn and listened to the announcer's voice on the radio… my mother screamed, my father screamed. On the day I was born, they won” (119). “[My mother] calmly gathered her hospital things” (119). …show more content…

After Edward found out about his cancer he spent his last days in the world joking around about life and trying to dodge all questions william asked him.For example, “or maybe he just wanted you to be straight with him,” I Say. “Straight?” “Straightforward,” I say, Just be your normal average guy and tell him what is bothering you, where it hurts,” “Ah,” my father says, “As in, ‘Doctor,Doctor! I’m dying,please cure me. ‘ Like that?” “Like that,” I say/ “Sort of, but-” “but we both know there is no cure for what i’ve got,” he says”(110-111). This Quote from the book shows how even in serious times he was in a way

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