Education is the Best Weapon in the War on Drugs

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Education is the Best Weapon in the War on Drugs

It seems that in the ongoing debate over whether to legalize drugs in the United States, quite a few people feel that legalization would diminish the crime rate. Their argument points out that the permissible use of marijuana would eliminate the necessity for people to go into hard drug territories to purchase such a drug and maybe even deter them from trying narcotics like crack-cocaine and heroin. Even though these people assert that legalization could diminish crime rate, they forget to realize that alcohol and nicotine are legal psychoactive drugs and have detrimental hazards on our society. Since these drugs are easily obtainable, they are more often used by people of all ages. Although education about nicotine effects decreased smoking in our country, the crimes related to alcohol abuse are still staggering in our community due to the easy accessibility and acceptance from the population in general. The way alcohol impairs a person's brain it is amazing that more efforts have not been made to in some way deter people from drinking like they have been deterred from smoking. Prohibition is out since it has been acceptable and we know what happened when we did try to prohibit alcohol. If we were to legal other drugs, it would be hard to rescind the decision much like with alcohol and nicotine. Legalization is a scary issue when it is looked upon in this respect.

Contrary to the feelings of those who rationalize legalization, this answer does not seem to hold a feasible solution to the drug problems of today. In essence, legalizing them is just like saying that the use of mind altering substances is not only...

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...bligation to push for education and treatment for the disease of addiction and not for feeding this cancer that has taken the American society into a world of chemical dependency. The laws themselves are not what influences our behavior, but the acceptance of our behavior by our fellow man.


Finley, Rick. "Legalization is Giving Up." Internet

Frolik, Joe. "Nations Drug War Dwindles." Times Picayune

[New Orleans, LA.] 6 Mar. 1994: A-4.

Simons, Marlise. "Lenient Laws Make Dutch Town a Mecca for

Drug - Hungry Foreigners." Times Picayune

[New Orleans, LA.] 1 May 1994: A-32.

U.S. Department of Justice. "The Ten Claims." DEA Speaking out against

Drug Legalization.

Weisheit, Ralph. "Drugs, Crime and the Criminal Justice System." Introduction

Pg 60. Acis/Anderson.

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