Education Synthesis Essay

1026 Words3 Pages

Breanna Shelton
AP English
Alison Fox
April 19, 2018
Synthesis Essay: Education

American schools have failed to take current issues into consideration and make the efforts needed to improve the educational system. The diversity in ethnicity and culture have became more prominent the past few years and need to become a priority when planning a child’s educational process. Education has been a major topic of conversation throughout the past twenty years due to the United States falling behind on the educational growth curve of the world. Therefore, to improve the current system, the Department of Education must put an end to placing popularity before education, making money an obstacle in a child’s ability to learn, and see that test scores …show more content…

Many schools all across America are forcing students to come up with money their families do not have in order to pay for unnecessary expenses. If the students do not provide the money the school is asking for, then they are often looked down on by their teachers and even penalized in classrooms. As Horace Mann states, “What force did then, money does now,” (Report of the Massachusetts “Intellectual Education as a Means of Removing Poverty, and Securing Abundance”, Horace Mann, 248) he provides the sense, money is placed above any other force around the United States. In this simple statement, Mann enlightens the issue of money. He explains how money is now becoming the issue many schools are looking at. Schools no longer look at a child’s abilities to perform in the classroom, but rather, they look at the income of each family to see how it can benefit the school. Later throughout his essay, Mann states, “Agrarianism is the revenge of poverty against wealth… Education prevents both the revenge and the madness” (Report of the Massachusetts Board of Education “Intellectual Education as a Means of Removing Poverty, and Securing Abundance”, Horace Mann, 250). Mann describes how the money an individual has can start a fire in them that affects how they view other people. If a rich man is sitting beside a poor man, the poor man will be taken over with jealousy and greed. The poor man will want what the wealthy man has and do anything he can to get it. The wealthy man will look down on the poor man and feel as if he is superior to him. With education, it is the same way. Teachers feel as if they must pay more attention to the students with the wealthiest parents because they feel as if those parents are able to cause more of an impact in the school’s environment. If schools taught students fairly then this feeling of superiority would be taken away in future

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