Edible Pine-A sticky Subject

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The Adirondack Indians knew what they were doing when they harvested the inner bark of Eastern White Pines as a valuable food resource. Pines are naturally procured in great quantities, and are quite nutritious. Knowing what parts of the pine tree are edible and how to prepare them could very well save your life. There are many parts of the pine tree that can help you out of a hungry situation.
First, I want to make sure the air is clear when I say that you can eat pine. Every species of the Pinus (pine) family can be eaten, but not necessarily other conifers such as Junipers, Spruces, Firs and some Cedars(though junipers do have edible berries that are often used to season wild game)
The various edible parts of the pine include the: inner bark, pollen, sap and needles below are a few of the many uses for pine.
Pine Bark: “Tree jerky” or “Pine chips” can be made by stripping off the bark of a FRESHLY felled tree. From there you separate the soft inner cambium layer of the bark from the outer layers. Then take the cambium and cut it into thin strips, cook on any skillet or...

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