Edgar Allan Poe's 'Our Mistress Of Witches'

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Our Mistress of Witches, she who holds the torch and knife and wanders the crooked paths of the Umbric, Celestial, Earthly & dreaming realms, is the Harlot and the Virgin. She is veiled in darkness and stars, whispers into the night the secrets of all things. Her name is spoken to those of the secret way and shall remain silent among those untouched by Her spirit. She guards over the twilight doors of dusk and dawn. Her knife cuts the throats of Kings and releases the child from and into the womb. Her torch lights the dark ways into the 'other' and sets ablaze any living flesh to be turned to ash yet to be born again. The beast of the earth, sky, and sea that are hers are the crow, cat, horse, goat and white serpent respectively. These beasts bones, skin, and companionship should be sought out by the witch or warlock for the fetishes, enchantments, and familiars of Her craft in both the living body and spirit form. The echoes of her likeness are manifest within these bestial vessels and much wisdom may be gained from their kinship. Heed their omen and know the voices of which they speak. Their tracks are the sigils of their spirit-likeness. Utilize them where the spirits deem fit for Her knowing. For these are the marks of those beasts familiar to Her; The Crooked Path of the …show more content…

I present them here, with relevance, and yet the distinction should be made that the beings are not one in the same. They all stand in their own right and should be understood in their own mother-cultures. These begins should be sought out by the Witch for I only give a short inclusion here for an introduction. The relevance of my inclusion is to give thee understanding that the Queen of Witches is elusive. If one wishes to use these as Masks for the one Queen of Witches then so be it, that is not My intention her. But Cunning and

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