Edgar Allan Poe: The Power Of Love

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“We loved with a love that was more than love.”(Edgar Allan Poe) The power of love is greater than any logical thought or emotion. Love has the ability to break down barriers and build relationships of any kind. For some, this concept is completely irrelevant to them because a person or an event as hardened their soul and they have lost the desire for to love and be loved. Although for others, love can be like a breath of fresh air. Some have that one person who they would lay down their life for. This is the power of love. It’s in the heartbeat of your wife that you feel when you hug her, in the shooting star that gives you hope when you wish upon it, and it’s in the words you read between the lines in a romantic poem. Edgar Allan …show more content…

According to the Poe Museum, he told Sarah Elmira Royster Shelton that it was for her because they had a very young courtship. “She was a child, and I was a child…” helps us see that to be true. Many other women claimed that the poem was inspired by and written for her. Speculations are made that there might not truly be an Annabel Lee. Poe might have just wrote the poem to further his popularity. He wanted the poem to first be printed with his engagement announcement, but he died 10 days before his wedding, so, the poem was published with his obituary instead(Poe’s Last Love Remembered.). Backtracking to 1846, Edgar Allan Poe wrote a very interesting and deceiving poem called A Valentine. At the time Poe was married to Virginia Eliza Clemm and the story of this union was very interesting. The two were first cousins and she was only 13 years old when they married. The marriage was not out of passionate and exciting love, but out of sympathy. Her siblings died and her parents were very poor. Therefore, Poe took her under his wing and married her in 1836. It is said that the two did not consummate the marriage until she turned 16 because Poe respected her and her age. The two lived through a happy and faithful marriage until Frances Sargent Osgood, also married, began flirting with poets including Edgar Allan Poe. They started to have secret affairs that were not so secret. Virginia knew about them and encouraged the behavior because it distracted Poe from his alcohol dependence (History and Women: Edgar Allan Poe's

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