Eden Evins Legalizing Marijuana

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If there is an illegal drug that when ingested, it would alter a person’s attitude and health for the better, would you not want it to become legal? This illegal drug exists under the name of marijuana! Unfortunately, there are some people who are opposed to the idea of legalizing marijuana. One of those people being Eden A. Evins, a doctor at Massachusetts General Hospital who directs the Center for Addiction Medicine. Dr. Evins states many reasons why marijuana should not be legalized, two of her main points being marijuana is extremely addictive and has side effects that are hazardous to an individual’s health. On numerous occasions Evins compares the withdraw episodes and how addictive nicotine is to marijuana. Considering that nicotine …show more content…

Evins states her opinion on the idea of marijuana becoming legal. In her report, she tells readers marijuana should not become legalized for many reasons where she uses various scientific studies to back up her opinion. Dr. Evins goes into great deal about several harmful side effects that come with smoking marijuana mainly focusing on the unhealthy effects on the brain. Further, she elaborates on the addictiveness of marijuana and the repercussions of long-term use, often comparing nicotine and marijuana. Deeper into Evins’ analysis she tells reader should marijuana become legalized mental disabilities will become more prevalent because in certain individuals the use of marijuana can trigger mental disorders. Dr. Evins then concludes her essay by re-elaborating her main points on the harmful side effects of using marijuana. Dr. Evins closes her essay telling readers, “As a society, we are going in the wrong direction on …show more content…

Evins article one might ask themselves why should the United States legalize marijuana, and there are numerous reasons why cannabis should become legal. One of the most obvious is it can improve certain health issues: marijuana can boost the physical state of an individual with cancer, help with ADD and ADHD, slow the growth of a tumor, and many other health benefits. Other reasons are the improvement of ones attitude for the better. Who would not want to be in a jolly mood majority of the time? These are many of the positive outcomes that come with the use of marijuana. Stating the positive outcomes are necessary considering Dr. Evins failed to do so. Also it allows readers to look at the situation from both

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