Edelweiss Pirates Essay

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Summary (Edelweiss Pirates) This movie is about how young people react during World War 2. On this era there are two type of young people which one is from Hitler Youth, this group were totally ready to serve any order from their Fuhrer and the other type of young during World War 2 is from a group who are response to the strict regimentation of Hitler Youth. This group were known as Edelweiss Pirates. They had evaded Hitler Youth by leaving the school. They also avoid themselves from military because they think they were too young for it which is 17 onward. The Edelweiss offered to young people for freedom to express and to have social or mingle with other gender while that was probihited for Hitler Youth. Hitler Youth were segregated by gender they cannot have different gender in their groups or easy to say …show more content…

In this movie also shown how a brother was in Edelweiss Pirates while his little brother was decided to serve and join for Hitler Youth, sometimes they were arguing about their differences such as a song. Beside that there was a scene were Hitler Youth were fight with Edelweiss Pirates and his little brother Peter unwilling to catch his brother because anyway they used to live in a same house. His brother Karl and his group was hided a prisoner who had sick effect of the bombing, they put him to Celli house and keep looking after him until he had recover but then Hans in love with Cilly and want to stay with her and Karl cannot accept is as Cilly was still engaged with his late brother. Peter also plan and persuade Karl team’s to join him against Nazi because he knew that they were hate them, this also make Karl hate him more cause his friends and brother now already on Hanz side. The police actually were chasing for Hanz cause he is a dangerous prisoner and able to handle weapons include bombs, so Karl decided to confess to Police officer what had Hanz and his friends plan about and he asked to released him and his brother

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