Economic Issues In Colombia

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Colombia's consistently sound economic policies and aggressive promotion of free trade agreements in recent years have bolstered its ability to weather external shocks. Columbia is the fourth largest coal exporter, and Latin America’s fourth largest oil producer. Economic development is obstructed by inadequate infrastructure, inequality, poverty, narcotics trafficking and an uncertain security situation. A major economic issue that the country faces is the fact that Columbia is a known global supplier of cocaine, marijuana, and heroin. The narcotics trade is around five to ten percent of the GDP, and because of drug trafficking, it has a negative impact on the economy and security. Another major political issue that Columbia faces is …show more content…

The president was in charge of formulating and executing foreign policies, and was clearly the single most important player in the late 1980s. Despite the existence of committees on foreign relations in both houses, Congress had little role in making foreign policy. Columbia’s foreign policy has frequently shifted as a result of the president playing a key role, and the fact that the country’s president changes every four years. The president appoints and removes cabinet members, chooses diplomats to represent Colombia, and receives foreign diplomats and other representatives. The Primary Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the primary agency that conducted foreign relations under the president’s directions. Within the Foreign Service, two positions were almost as important as that of the minister because of their prestige and value in furthering a political career. One was that of ambassador to the United States, a post considered to be one of the stepping-stones to the presidency. Presidents López Michelsen, Turbay, and Barco all served as ambassadors to the United States. The other was that of ambassador to the Holy See. The role of the Roman Catholic Church in the life of the nation meant that this ambassador occupied a position of particular prestige and some importance. At the beginning of the …show more content…

The Santos administration created by, President Juan Manuel Santos, of the centre – right Social Party of National Unity (UP) has significantly expanded Columbia’s international engagement, both multilaterally and bilaterally. Santos’s priorities on foreign policies have included the expansion of the country’s investment and trade connections, both within the region and towards the Asia Pacific and Europe. The Santos administration continues to improve Colombia's international engagement and image abroad, such as through beginning agreements to the OECD, cooperation with NATO and pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance, which it handed to Mexico in 2014. Columbia is an active member of the Association of Caribbean States, and the organization of American States (OAS). The International court Justice (ICJ) ruled in on a territorial and maritime dispute with Nicaragua ruling that Columbia would abandon maritime territory, causing tension with its norther neighbor. Columbia’s most important trading partner is the United States. The US-Colombia free trade agreement came into effect in 2012, and has enhanced Colombia’s most significant trading relationship which in 2012 accounted for 36.9 per cent of Colombia’s merchandise exports and 24.3 per cent of its merchandise imports. The US-Colombia engagement is being

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