Ecological Model

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Health and the environment, what an interesting class. Honestly, I wish many adults would take your class. The presentation of the ecological model of health was done well and I believe this is something that so many people in the United States would benefit from learning about. It is amazing how some people think just because we were all born in the United States that we all have access to the same opportunities when there is clear statistical data that proves otherwise. At the age of 35, I am well versed in my family health history. I have watched several family members suffer from heart disease and lose the battle with age, I have seen a new trend of breast cancer begin with my mom and aunts. Cancer hasn't been an issue in the family until …show more content…

Physically our environment won't change. Be that as it may a healthy change I can make is to purchase a gym membership with my son, he is eager to work out and at the age of thirteen, he must be accompanied by an adult. This step would help motivate me to get to the gym. I know it is healthy for me to exercise, having Jerry be a primary reason will make it much easier to go during this stage in my life, it's always easier to do something for your kids than it is for yourself. Although cognitively I do know that putting my health first does benefit my kids because it increases the odds that I will be here for them longer. Regardless, that is easier said than …show more content…

I can use this interest to further enhance my goal to eat healthy for myself and expose my children to better food choices. In addition, by making a commitment to my son, to take him to the gym is playing upon my strength as a mother. As a mother of an adopted child with Reactive Attachment Disorder, I am proving my loyalty to my son daily. Any opportunity I get to show him support and love I must take full advantage of. Not only will going to the gym with Jerry strengthen my body, reduce my risk for heart disease and cancer, it will also strengthen my relationship with

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