Ecological Factors In Criminology

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1. Incorporating the assumptions of one of the below learning theories (also feel free to research the online library, Internet etc for information on these two theories), make an argument either for or against the insanity defense, that is, should it be allowed and or abolished...and specifically why?

Learning theories are a highly debated topic in the world of Criminology. People mainly draw conclusions about how people learn from personal experience (Wang 2012). Learning is a highly personal endeavor that changes throughout a lifespan. Sutherland’s Theory of Differential Association has many different interpretations, but the most accepted argument is that “association with criminal definitions has an indirect effect on crime through …show more content…

Criminology is the study of the circumstances around crime, criminality, and victimization, including lawmaking and the public reaction to crime (Barlow, Kauzlarich 2010). When examining ecological factors criminologists are looking at interactions between people and their environment (Schiller, Black, & Murphy 2010). Ecological factors have a significant effect of the emotional and physical development on individuals over time, or in other words people are shaped by their environment (Schiller, Black, & Murphy 2010). Since all people are affected by ecological factors it would be foolish for criminologists to ignore them. I believe ecological factors can give criminologists insight into both the perpetrators and victims of …show more content…

The interaction of people and their environment provide both opportunities for crimes to be committed and motivation for an individual to commit a crime (Schiller, Black, & Murphy 2010). If a child is raised in a home where there is no food, then he goes to school and steals a muffin off a snack cart ecological factors provided both the motivation and opportunity for that child to commit a crime. The child is living in an environment where he does not get consistently fed, because food in a concrete human need the child became motivated to obtain food. The school sends around a snack cart to provide students the opportunity to purchase food to eat during class, because it is a school the security around the cart is much less stringent than in a store, thus giving the student the opportunity to steal the muffin to meet his concrete needs. It is necessary for criminologists to examine and hypothesize around ecological factors when considering crime and criminality. These factors shape human behavior and have a large effect on their criminality. It could help criminologists identify people who are at-risk of committing a crime, or even being a crime victim. This would allow them to help predict and reduce future

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