Eckhart Tolle's Book 'Power Of Now'

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1. From where does Tolle draw the title of his book (why would he name it The Power of Now)?
To understand why Eckhart Tolle’s book is titled the Power of Now we must seek to understand the reasons we would need to access the power of now.
Most people live in a state of constant busyness. We rush from point A to B, struggle to keep on top of our ever growing to do list, are in a constant race against the clock and multitask a hundred jobs a day. Before we know it, the day has disappeared, nothing’s been done and it’s already past bed time. Who needs sleep anyway? We are now living in a world where it’s fashionable not to sleep!
It’s not just out outer world that is busy but our inner world too. We lay our head on the pillow at the end of the day and either pass out from …show more content…

No wonder when you look at the way people hold themselves and interact with each other you see cortisol producing, adrenaline pumping human doings. Not human beings, human doings.
Our mind has been taken over by a drunk race car driver and there’s no airbags!
Unfortunately most people don’t even realise they have no control over their mind and it’s literally killing them. Our mental and physical health has declined with the increase of conditions such as depression, anxiety, heart disease, obesity, sleep issues and digestive problems just to name a few.
We wait impatiently for that point in time, somewhere in the future, when we will have no more worries and can finally live happily ever after. Perhaps that is when we find the perfect man, go on that holiday, get that new job, buy that new sports car, win the lotto or when we finally retire?
The brutal truth is there is no point in the future when we will finally live happily ever after. That is because joy, happiness and peace do not exist in the future, they can only exist in the now. And this is the answer to why the now is so powerful and why Eckhart Tolle has titled his book ‘The Power of

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