Ebola Virus Research Paper

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Bats are an interesting species. They are mammals that can fly and have been around since the dinosaurs. A lot of information is known about them, but not enough information is known on their role as reservoir hosts for viruses. Bats feed on insects, fish, blood, fruit, pollen, and even mammals. They are found everywhere, but Antarctica. They are critical to ecological communities as they control insect populations, pollinate plants, and their guano or poop is used as fertilizer. Bats are unique to mammals since they can fly. They fly for food and migrate over long distances, as many as 200 to 400 miles. This form of travel has been associated with the spread of disease such as the Rabies virus over their migratory path. Bats are beneficial to maintaining balance in the animal kingdom, but are they really hosts to deadly diseases that affect other species such as humans? An important feature of bats is their ability to hibernate to conserve energy during the night and winter months. Disease development and maintenance of viral infections has not been studied extensively. There have been studies done on antibodies that show that viruses can …show more content…

A study was done in 2005 to learn more about the hosts for the virus. Human outbreaks that occurred between 2001 and 2005 in Gabon and the Republic of Congo were linked to outbreaks that affected the local gorilla and chimpanzee populations. In order to identify the reservoir, the researchers did animal trappings in the areas affected. There were 1,030 animals captured which included 679 bats, 222 birds, and 129 small terrestrial vertebrates. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) which is for the Ebola virus was detected in the serum of three different bat species (Leroy et al. 2005). The organs targeted by the Ebola virus were the liver and spleen. The researchers concluded that their results supported the results of previous investigations as bats as reservoirs for

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