Eating Disorders Research Paper

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For the last several decades, our society’s desired body image has been getting thinner and thinner. These changes in what is accepted by popular beauty standards have caused women, especially college-aged women, to use unhealthy methods to lose weight, such as over-exercising, under eating, and binge eating. According to Pyle, Mitchell, Eckert, Halvorson, Neuman, and Goff (1983) in their survey of women at a midwestern state school, “nearly one-half of the women (47%) admitted to having attempted specific weight-control methods” (77). This shows that eating disorders have been a problem in our country for a few decades, and they are definitely still a prevalent issue that needs to be addressed in our society today. Luckily, researchers are …show more content…

They believe that binge eating and drinking also go hand-in-hand, as “both may involve loss of control, cravings, and preoccupations with the substance… and immediate gratification followed by long-term harm” (198). Benjamin et al. (2005) suggests that these behaviors often are found together as both are addictive, which would explain why they are so hard to stop once they have been started. There are also several personality traits that are similar in individuals that suffer from binge eating and binge drinking. Benjamin et al. (2005) cites other studies where these individuals showed signs of “impulsivity… high tolerance of deviance… low self-esteem… extraversion, neuroticism (emotional instability), and a lack of conscientiousness” (198-199). Their study showed that binge eating or drinking are related to being impulsive or socially deviant. Benjamin et al. (2005) also concluded from their study that college women who engage in both addictive behaviors are emotionally unstable and neurotic. These results make sense, as college is a time with many new experiences and new pressures that a woman has not faced before. Pyle et al. (1983) supports this with their claim that “the fear of being fat is common in a college population” (85). College women are taught by college culture that they must be thin to be pretty, and this combined with the party culture of many colleges greatly

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