My Struggle with an Eating Disorder

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Well i’m doing it. Writing about what I feared to tell anyone, well what I feared a year ago. Something that has been going on for about 2 years. Well let me begin with my name i’m Jenny, i’m 12 years old I go to fort Gratiot Middle school, and I have a problem… I have an eating disorder. It all started in 5th grade I gained a lot of weight my parents told me my sister was the same way she gained a ton of weight then in 7th or 8th grade she lost all of it! They said it was just a part of puberty. But then 5th grade was over in a blink of an eye and it was summer I hated the way I looked I wanted to be “Perfect” I wanted to be “Desired”. So what that made me do was overthink everything I was trapped in my own mind trying to become this cookie …show more content…

I continued this cycle for a while then one day in 6th grade my friend Randall noticed I never eat school lunch so he said “Jenny do you even eat at home or do you starve yourself?” I always said no but almost everyday he would say something. Then it was Summer again and I was really having low self esteem but I didn’t care anymore I started eating a lot again eating my feelings away. I was back to my old size and before I knew it 7th grade was here I was so excited. But I was scared that I would be made fun of and I wasn’t as pretty anymore. So I did it I stopped eating again I still felt a fear of being rejected and still not good enough never good enough. Then my best friend Carly and I had our first sleepover I told her about all the things that had been going on since last Summer because I felt as though we could tell each other everything and we could we still do because if it wasn’t for her she would have never told my parents and my parents would have never gotten me into therapy and support groups to help me. Now I diet and eat everyday 3 times a day. I feel healthier and just better mentally and physically. Back when I use to starve myself I always felt ugly and fat. Plus I had trouble showing my emotions because I was afraid of rejection that’s why it took me so long to find the right person to tell and i’m glad I found the person I did or my eating disorder could have gotten worse. I’m now happy

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